RF Design Service

LA Techniques offers electronics design services for RF and microwave components such as RF synthesizers and wide band amplifiers. A range of standard components are available, but customised devices and sub-systems can be designed, prototyped and manufactured using our dedicated tools and facilities.
We work in close partnership with our customers and offer support from the design-in phase through to volume production. We employ a team approach to ensure that our customers’ needs are met on time, efficiently and cost effectively.
Available components
- OEM Vector Network Analyzers
- Multi-decade synthesizer modules
- 40G data and clock drivers for optical modulators
We offer a custom design service, drawing on our extensive expertise in RF and Microwave Circuit Design. Please contact us if we can help with your requirements.
Our in-house facilities include:
- Class 6 clean room with chip assembly, Kulicke and Soffa wire bonding and dry storage facilities.
- Fully automatic pick and place machine for surface mount devices.
- CAD tools for both circuit and mechanical design as well as time and frequency domain analysis software with custom developed tools specific to pulse generation and transmission.
- Electronic test equipment for all main parameters.
- Automatic placement of surface mount components down to 0201 sizes is possible with the latest addition to our production capability. The Fritsch PlaceAll machine is a very capable machine with laser guidance and able to hold up to 200 intelligent feeders.
Extensive instrumentation facilities include spectrum and Vector Network Analysers to 40GHz, and fast sampling oscilloscopes ranging to 50 GHz.